May be submitted by post or by electronic means
Preliminary proceedings:
A validation of the diploma is performed by an official or external expert. In case of significant differences between the foreign qualification and the Austrian qualification, recognition may be granted only on the basis of compensation measures (either completion of adaptation training or an aptitude test in an Austrian training institution). The procedure is completed by formal decision. Complaint may be referred against the decision to the administrative court.
Length of proceedings:
The procedure can be expected to take four months after presentation of the complete documents.
Legal remedy:
A complaint against the decision may be submitted to the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection in writing within four weeks from the delivery of the decision, which must be directed to the responsible administrative tribunal. The complaint must designate the decision as well as the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection. Furthermore, the reasons on which the allegation of illegality is based must be set out. The complaint must also contain the request as well as information on timeliness.