Certified social woerker with focus on working with families - Recognition of Professional qualifications from other EU/EEA countries

General information

On application, the State Government must recognize any evidence of formal qualification in compliance with Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualification replacing qualification and training as certified social worker with focus on working with families. The provisions of Directive 2005/36/EC shall be applied irrespective of the applicant's nationality and the country in which the training has been completed. Applications may be submitted by any person intending to exercise a social care profession in the region of Vorarlberg using the professional title of a "Certified social worker with focus on working with families" pursuant to the Social Care Professions Act.
Any person intending to obtain the authorization to use this professional title, will (also) need a qualification as assistant nurses as defined in the Health Care and Nursing Act. If the applicant is not able to prove his or her qualification as assistant nursing, the application for recognition must be accompanied by an application for admission to practice a profession in the assistance nursing sector (for evidence of formal qualification of EU/EEA countries or Switzerland) or for validation (for evidence of formal qualification of third countries) of completed courses and training in a foreign country pursuant to the Health Care and Nursing Act. Both procedures are conducted in a co-ordinated manner.

If substantial differences are identified regarding qualification and training as defined by the Ordinance  on Training in Social Care Professions, and if these differences are not balanced by appropriate knowledge acquired from professional experience, the applicant will have to complete an adaptation period of supervised training or pass an aptitude test, the choice between these two measures being up to the applicant. 

Recognition of completed courses and training shall be valid throughout Austria.

Any person authorized to exercise a social care profession outside Austria, is allowed to use the title approved in that country as well as any possible abbreviation of this title.


The Office of the State Government of Vorarlberg has to acknowledge receipt of the application within a month; if applicable, the applicant must then be advised if any documents are missing. The decision on recognition must be notified as promptly as possible, at the latest within four months after the complete production of all required documents.


The following documents must be submitted:
1. Application,
2. Examination certificate,
3. Curriculum (showing the nature, content and scope of completed training courses),
4. If applicable, any document (e.g. a certificate of marriage) indicating a change of name,
5. If applicable, an employment certificate proving the social care occupation (evidence of knowledge and skills acquired from professional experience),
6. Criminal record (certificate of good conduct) of the home country (any person who has lived in Austria for a long time, will also need to submit an Austrian criminal record),
7. Certification of medical fitness (medical certificate),
8. Notification of admission to practice a care assistant profession or validation of the care assistance qualification, if already available.

More information

Adaptation period means the exercise of the social care or care assistance profession under the responsibility of a qualified professional. This period of supervised practice shall be completed and assessed within the scope of a vocational school for social care professions (Sozialbetreuungsberufeschule) or of a care assistance training course. Participation is mandatory.

What does aptitude test mean?
An aptitude test is an examination limited to the professional skills and knowledge of the applicant. The examination of the subject matters or disciplines stipulated in the admission notification will be held by an examination board at a vocational school for social care professions (Sozialbetreuungsberufeschule) or within the scope of a care assistance training course. Participation in the courses is not mandatory. Nevertheless, voluntary participation may be allowed.


The costs of the expert´s report in the amount of € 127,80 shall be paid upon submission of the application.
Costs and expenses according to the Act on Fees and the administrative levy must be paid upon completion of the procedure and shall include:

1. Evidence of Training as a assistant nurses pursuant to the Helath Care and Nursing Act has been provided:
€ 47,30 Fee for the application pursuant to the Act on Fees
€ 83,60 Fee for the notification pursuant to the Act on Fees; for the first sheet (= four A 4 standard pages); every further sheet: € 13
€ 72,90 State administrative fee incurred for the notification pursuant

2. Without evidence of training as a assistant nurses
€ 47,30 Fee for the application pursuant to the Act on Fees
€ 83,60 Fee for the notification pursuant to the Act on Fees (procedure for authorising professional practice in the assistance nursing sector)
€ 3,20 Federal administrative fee (procedure for authorising professional practice in the assistance nursing sector) 
€ 83,60 Fee for the notification pursuant to the Act on Fees (procedure for recognition of the social care profession); for the first sheet (= four A 4 standard pages); every further sheet: € 13
€ 72,90 State administrative fee incurred for the notification pursuant (procedure for recognition of the social care profession)

Further costs depend on the number of submitted attachments (€ 3.90 per sheet, € 21.80 maximum per attachment).

Legal foundation:

Articles 3 and 7 Social Care Professions Act, Vorarlberg Law Gazette no. 26/2007

Article 2 Ordinance on Training in Social Care Professions, Vorarlberg Law Gazette no. 46/2007

Responsible department

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